Thursday, April 4, 2013


i have always loved to do patchworks.  however utilitarian patchworks may look and seem, making them is one of the best ways i express my creativity, my love for the environment and my fascination with old and vintage fabrics.
in this exhibit, i explore a new concept of making patchworks with my paints and later on translate them into real fabric ones.
this exhibit also celebrates my passions and my life as i mark a milestone by turning 50 this month, and realize that life is but a patchwork of memories.
life is good and gold!  bwahahaha!  


  1. Patchwork, recycling, art, environment, nature, trees, and that wonderful gift of gab you have. My, Bidibidi!(love this nickname of yours, may I call you this?), you sure are one blessed soul!

    1. Thank you! Yes, please call me that! And yes, i know how blessed i truly am. And in return, i feel priviledged to be able to share all these gifts. I find meaning in that. And life is good! Bwahahaha!
