Sunday, December 18, 2011

have the heart to make art

do you know what happens when a person who has lived in a shell dares to come out?  when a student who has believed she was biding her time to live life for real begins to discover the life in today?  when one writes her thoughts?  when one hums her tunes?  when a believer finally believes?
i know what happens.
art comes out.
most of the time, i am a scared, frightened, terrified creature.  troubled, apprehensive, and worried to risk, to fail, to disappoint.  and do not realize that this burden of insecurity is preventing me from uncovering the imprint of His image on me -  His creative, artistic image.
i have always been heard to say i want to change the world.  not the whole seven continent of it, at least my own, small world, my immediate world.  sometimes, i even use influence, not change, in my attempt to effect it.

but on days like the saturday of 10 dec 2011, i realize that my efforts to change my world are not meaningless, not wasted.  they are not too small.  i only had to have the heart to make art.
usad is a group exhibit by the burikbutikan baao, a local arts collective and i take pride in being "usad ka ngamin".  the show runs the whole merry month of december.  

and my art is on display!  yehey!  bwahahaha!  thank you for the colours!

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